
The emergence of Sirland, written by Michael Bilyan.

The history of Sirland begins in the GDR. The garden was built in 1963, when the former garden owner Henry Sirlon bought the garden in order to be able to enjoy his free time with a fair rent. 7 years after the German reunification in 1997, the rents were getting higher and then the garden owner decided on October 11, 1997, to found his garden as a sovereign state called the Sirish Garden Republic, S.G.R for short, he appointed himself president. Unfortunately, the rents didn't get better and in 23. June 2007 he renamed the Sirish Garden Republic to the Sirish Empire in order to fight more powerfully against the expensive rent. The attempt failed and the Sirish Empire was disbanded. Henry Sirlon had to give up and wish he could find others to take over his micronation. He sold his garden or the fallen Sirish Empire to the family who promised him to take over this micronation. In May 5th 2009 the new president who also rules today named Michael Bilyan, decided to rename the Sirish Empire to the Garden Republic of Sirland as well the changing from dictatorship to today's neutral democratic state. In 2010, the beginning of a democracy and a better economy, like today many things were improved and modernized, such as the safety, laws and installations of new greenhouse and the modernized street lights. 
The main building of sirland  called Gardehusen is from the gdr. The garden house is a type B22 from 1963.

the Independence of the Sirish Garden Republic from 11. October 1997

Location: Darlin
Location: Darlin

 Today the place of the monument of the first Sirish Garden Republic/Sirish Empire from 1997/2009 given up by the founder Henry Sirlon

History of Sirland's first and last colony

Laakland colonial flag from 2007-2019
Laakland colonial flag from 2007-2019

the small island of Laakland was discovered by Henry sirlon.

the island of Laakland is only inhabited by animal species such as seagulls and ducks, was declared the first colony of the Sirish Empire in 2007

on 2009 when the Sirish Empire was fallen and was renamed to the garden republic of Sirland, today the island of Laakland is like a Sirish colony but just a sirish territory that is forbidden to enter this island because laakland is under sirish nature protection.

Sirish Flag Meaning

History of the Sirish flags
History of the Sirish flags
The first Sirish flag was dark green and the Gardehusen coat of arms can be seen in the middle. The dark green symbolizes the green blooming garden in spring and the gardehusen coat of arms shows the wall of the main building Gardehusen in the capital Gardehus.
Today's flag of Sirland is in bicolor dark green and white the two colors have the similar meaning as the first flag of the sirish garden republic dark green for the blooming garden and white for winter, snow and peace with all countries and micronations around of the world .

The Gardehusen house wall which can be seen in the emblem/coat of arms 

The Sirish Language

The Sirish Language is Germanic and was invented for the Sirish Garden Republic in 2003. but was not completely developed.

The Sirish Alphabet